China Battery Packs Manufacturer,Factory,OEM,Supply,Company,Manufactory,Supplier
Custom High Capacity Pd 22.5W 10000mah/20000mah/30000mah Portable Powerbank With Digital Display Fast Charge Type C Power Bank
CCuussttoomm HHiigghh CCaappaacciittyy PPdd 2222..55WW 1100000000mmaahh//2200000000mmaahh//3300000000mmaahh PPoorrttaabbllee PPoowweerrbbaannkk WWiitthh DDiiggiittaall DDiissppllaayy FFaasstt CChhaarrggee TTyyppee CC PPoowweerr BBaannkk

Custom High Capacity Pd 22.5W 10000mah/20000mah/30000mah Portable Powerbank With Digital Display Fast Charge Type C Power Bank

Custom High Capacity Pd 22.5W 10000mah/20000mah/30000mah Portable Powerbank With Digital Display Fast Charge Type C Power Bank
output interface Type C, Double Usb
function Quick Charge Support, LED Display
type LED Display, for outdoor, PORTABLE, High Capacity, Fast Charging
output power 22.5w
Custom High Capacity Pd 22.5W 10000mah/20000mah/30000mah Portable Powerbank With Digital Display Fast Charge Type C Power Bank-Custom Battery Packs
